Our goal is to develop an automated model for successful reading, assuming the ability to select the perfect text for any reader.
To achieve the set goal, NIL ITUT plans to perform the following tasks:
Today’s world challenges a person to quickly and fully extract information from printed text. Along with the increasingly complex world a text itself becomes more and more complex; a reader does not have time to carefully study a text in detail. This may cause misunderstanding or incomplete understanding of a text, which entails conflicts, mistakes, accidents, and tragedies.
Thus, the relevance of this academic field is determined by the following factors: 1. a lack of a list of parameters determining the correlation between 'reader and text'; 2. the importance of developing and implementing the systems for (text complexity) automatic assessment of longer texts from different genres. Completing this task can enable to increase the level of reading literacy among the Russian readers.
Corpus of Industrial Texts (CIT).zip